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This is where I put all my favorite pictures......
Here you'll find everything that I find interesting, or like. Afterall, picture's say a thousand words!

Real pictures of me and others are down....

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

Alfred Hitchcock

Tippi Hedren in 'The Birds'!

Alfred Hitchcock's

Now, if you ever want to see this, watch the original Psycho! Keep going down!

Michael Myers From The 'Halloween' films!

This is Jerry. He lives in my Backpack. Catch him, and he'll give a pile of gold or one wish. He turned my sister into a pinecone for a day.


Lara Croft......I drew it myself. Feel free to print it and color it in or whatever. Just don't say YOU drew it. I DID.

My friend Cheyenne drew this. She said "There's just nothing else to do in class."

Sigourney Weaver in 'Aliens'

Die Hard: Starring Bruce Willis

Speed: Keanu Reeves

Top to bottom: left to right. Cat-Bebe. Pure EVIL. Sister Katie at soccer. last: Left to right: Grandma, Dad, Katie, Mom, Me. That was at a wedding this summer.

I definitley didn't draw this......I just wish I could draw as good. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider: Next Generation. First Draft(s).

Lara Croft celebrates our INDEPENDENCE

This is the note. It tells about how gay Catherine and Christina thought I was. The Santa Coals bag is what I keep all my notes in.

Top to bottom: Left to right: Buggy, Deceased cat. Was older than me. Titanic Artefact Exhibit Ticket, MY cat, Sierra. 2-3 yrs old.

I've labled this note as 'The End'. It was when Caitlyn got so mad at me for Defending Derek. Kinda stupid really, But we are no longer friends because of this note.

Laurie Strode....Halloween ii.

The best movie I have ever seen.

Lara Croft: BACKFLIP!


It was a pretty good movie.......Alot of gore.....

Happy Halloween.

Hannibal Lecter carries Clarice Starling away after a bullet wound to her shoulder. This frame was perticulary powerful to me.

Top to bottom: Left to right. Hoai, Noel, Jeff, and Buddy is the one crouching. Middle: A monkey. Bottom. Jeff in a tunnel. Old ladies laughed at him.


